Our Living Wall and Vertical Gardening Story
For over 30 years our founder has been inventing, manufacturing and supporting the use of plantable, living retaining walls. For the past decade, we have been designing living walls and vertical gardens for corporations, restaurants, hotels, and homeowners who want to display beautiful ornamental plants or eat the freshest produce, in a unique and artistic way. A few years ago, we noticed a surge in interest in our Varden™ vertical gardens from organic farmers, many in urban areas, who began using our structures to grow leafy greens and herbs on rooftops or small fields. They liked the vertical concept because it saves them precious space and allows them to grow more food, in soil, without more space. Seeing urban farmers’ innovative use of our product inspired us. With the sustainability and local produce movement, we’ve become convinced that we should put more focus on food. Knowing that nutritious, clean, food access and equality are problems in need of solutions now. We began tweaking the Varden™ Living Wall system to be the best Vertical Garden that everyone can use to start growing their own food even if short on space. Together with our Varden™ Living Retaining Wall blocks, we have an impactful line of wall planter products to empower modern gardeners to achieve the most environmental service from unused spaces and landscapes!
Our Mission
Innovative Urban Ag – utilizing space in creative and innovative ways to make gardening accessible. Vertical Garden Supply is committed to addressing issues that the world faces related to food access, environmental integrity, and human well-being. We are accomplishing these needs through technology focused on “greening” traditional structures, such as landscape retaining walls and bringing healthy food growth into cities and consumer homes with vertical gardens, while providing economically viable solutions that incorporate nature into the built environment.

What We Are Achieving
- Engineered systems that economically provide vertical gardening to homes, restaurants, and cities to be viable.
- Created a model that restaurants are able to grow their own leafy greens and herbs without significant investment.
- Allow consumers to grow their own food at home and have year-round access to garden plant re-supply.
- Give grocery stores the ability to sell fresh food that continue to grow for their customers after plants are purchased.
- Provide infrastructural resilience to food shortages.
- Give people equitable access to nature through living retaining walls and vertical urban gardens.
- Allow people to garden vertically at their home and office even if short on space.
- Reduce supply chain management strains within the food system.
- Give people access to inexpensive vertical gardens to grow food all year long and when food supply is strained, such as during a pandemic or a natural disaster.
The Impact
- We believe in self-sufficiency, sustainability and secure access to food. We understand that our climate is changing and the planet’s soil is degraded and being lost.
- Now more than ever, the world needs to know where its food comes from, how it’s grown, when it’s picked and what’s been sprayed on it.
- The world’s population is increasingly more urban and it makes sense that local growing is one of the solutions so harvesting can be closer to time of need, at the peak of freshness and nutrition. Gardening at home, urban and community gardens and even indoor vertical farming represent food security, access and equity.
- Our mission is to improve the way the world eats by evolving the garden.
- The next evolution of gardening is vertical and it allows nutritious food to be grown in small spaces, out-of-the-way places and empowers everyone to grow more of their own food.
- We make elegantly designed, high functioning, American-Made products that will last for many years. Our Varden Vertical Garden 24 and 36 units are just the beginning and they enable everyone to start growing their own food for fun, beauty, nutrition and security.