Vertical Gardens on Fixer to Fabulous
If you are wondering how a small vertical garden supply company ended up in an episode of one of the hottest remodelling TV shows, this is your blog post!
If you are wondering how a small vertical garden supply company ended up in an episode of one of the hottest remodelling TV shows, this is your blog post!
We are proud to announce that our Vertical Gardening products are now available online at Big Box retailers, giving gardeners an even larger selection of ways to garden for 2023.
Is the state of your home décor a thorny [...]
Varden Vertical Garden at Missouri Botanical Garden
Varden Vertical Gardens filming for new streaming show
We are participating in a new research trial at [...]
We unveiled our new modular vertical farm units at Clutivate '21 to a great reception and some helpful feedback.
The pandemic changed so much for so many! In [...]
Our Varden Kits have been shipping far and wide [...]
Customer conversations this week have motivated us to shoot [...]